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Text File  |  1997-04-10  |  9KB  |  129 lines

  1. These members of the INFO-ZIP group contributed to the development and
  2. testing of portable Zip.  They are responsible for whatever works in
  3. Zip.  Whatever doesn't work is solely the fault of the authors of Zip
  4. (Mark Adler, Rich Wales, Jean-loup Gailly, Kai Uwe Rommel, Igor
  5. Mandrichenko and John Bush). If you have contributed and your name has
  6. been forgotten, please send a reminder to the zip-bugs address given
  7. in the Readme file. The names are given here in alphabetical order,
  8. because it's impossible to classify them by importance of the
  9. contribution. Some have made a complete port to a new target, some
  10. have provided a one line fix. All are to be thanked.
  12. Mark Adler              madler@tybalt.caltech.edu       NeXT 2.x
  13. Glenn J. Andrews        oper1%drcv06.decnet@drcvax.af.mil       VAX VMS
  14. James Van Artsdalen     james@raid.dell.com             bug report
  15. Eric Backus             ericb@lsid.hp.com               bug report
  16. Mark E. Becker          mbecker@cs.uml.edu              bug report
  17. Michael Bernardi        mike@childsoc.demon.co.uk       RS6000
  18. Tom Betz                marob!upaya!tbetz@phri.nyu.edu  SCO Xenix 2.3.1
  19. James Birdsall          jwbirdsa@picarefy.com           AT&T 3B1
  20. Wim Bonner              27313853@WSUVM1.CSC.WSU.EDU     HP 9000/840a HPUX
  21. Paul Borman             prb@cray.com                    Cray-X/YMP,2 UNICOS 6-8
  22. Scott Briggs            briggs@nashua.progress.com      Windows NT
  23. Leslie C. Brown         lbrown@BRL.MIL                  Pyramid MIS-4
  24. Ralf Brown              ralf@b.gp.cs.cmu.edu            Pyramid MIS-4
  25. Jeremy Daniel Buhler    jbuhler@owlnet.rice.edu         BC++
  26. John Bush               john.bush@east.sun.com          Amiga (SAS/C)
  27. Pietro Caselli          zaphod@petruz.sublink.org       Minix 1.5.10
  28. Bill Davidsen           davidsen@crdos1.crd.ge.com      Xenix (on what?)
  29. Daniel Deimert          daniel@pkmab.se                zeus3.21 Zilog S8000
  30. Matthew J. D'Errico     doc@magna.com                   Bull
  31. James P. Dugal          jpd@usl.edu                     Pyramid 90X OSx4.1
  32. "Evil Ed"               esaffle@gmuvax2.gmu.edu         Ulrix-32 V3.1 (Rev. 9)
  33. David A. Feinleib       t-davefe@microsoft.com          Windows NT
  34. Greg Flint              afc@klaatu.cc.purdue.edu        ETA-10P* hybrid Sys V
  35. Jeff Foy                jfoy@glia.biostr.washington.edu IRIX Sys V Rel 3.3.1
  36. Mike Freeman            freeman@watsun.cc.columbia.edu  Vax VMS
  37. Kevin M. Fritz          kmfritz@apgea.army.mil          Turbo C++ 1.0
  38. Jean-loup Gailly        jloup@chorus.fr                 MS-DOS Microsoft C 5.1
  39. Scott D. Galloway       sgallowa@letterkenn-emh1.army.mil   Sperry 5000 SysV.3
  40. Wayne R. Graves         graves@csa2.lbl.gov             Vax VMS
  41. George Grimes           grimes@netcom.com               Apollo Domain SR10.4
  42. Hunter Goatley          goathunter@WKUVX1.BITNET        Vax VMS
  43. Arnt Gulbrandsen        agulbra@pvv.unit.no             Linux
  44. David Gundlach          david@rolf.stat.uga.edu         Sun SS1+ SunOS 4.1
  45. Peter Gutmann           pgut1@cs.aukuni.ac.nz           bug report
  46. Charles Hannum          mycroft@ai.mit.edu              bug report
  47. Bob Hardy               hardy@lucid.com                 Power C on MSDOS
  48. Zachary Heilig          heilig@plains.nodak.edu         Turbo C++ 3.0
  49. Aubrey Jaffer           jaffer@martigny.ai.mit.edu      Pixel
  50. Peter Jones             jones@info.uqam.ca              MIPS UMIPS 4.0
  51. Kjetil W. J{\o}rgensen  jorgens@lise.unit.no            OSF/1
  52. Bruce Kahn              bkahn@archive.webo.dg.com       MS-DOS Microsoft C 5.1
  53. Jonathan I. Kamens      jik@pit-manager.mit.edu         ultrix on DECstation
  54. Bob Kemp                Robert.V.Kemp@att.com           AT&T 3B2 SysV 3.2v2
  55. Earl Kiech              KIECH@utkvx.utk.edu             VAX VMS V5.4-1A
  56. Paul Kienitz            Paul.Kienitz@f28.n125.z1.fidonet.org  Amiga (Manx Aztec)
  57. David Kirschbaum        kirsch@usasoc.soc.mil           He got us all in this
  58.                                                         mess in the first place
  59. Bo Kullmar              bk@kullmar.se                   DNIX 5.3, SunOS 4.1
  60. Harry Langenbacher      harry@neuron6.Jpl.Nasa.Gov      Sun SS1+ SunOS 4.1
  61. Michael D. Lawler       mdlawler@bsu-cs.bsu.edu         Mt.Xinu BSD 4.3 on VAX
  62. Johnny Lee              johnnyl@microsoft.com           Microsoft C 7.0
  63. Michael Lemke           michael@io.as.utexas.edu        VMS
  64. David Lemson            lemson@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu         Sequent Dynix 3.0.17
  65. Tai-Shan Lin            tlin@snakeyes.eecs.wsu.edu      OS/2
  66. Onno van der Linden     vdlinden@fwi.uva.nl             SCO Unix 3.2.0, 386/BSD
  67.                                                         BC++ 3.0, djgcc 1.08
  68. Warner Losh             imp@Solbourne.COM               packing algorithm help
  69. John Lundin             lundin@urvax.urich.edu          VAX VMS
  70. Igor Mandrichenko       mandrichenko@m10.ihep.su        VAX VMS
  71. Cliff Manis             root@csoftec.csf.com            SCO 2.3.1 (386)
  72. Fulvio Marino           fulvio@iconet.ico.olivetti.it   X/OS 2.3 & 2.4
  73. Bill Marsh              bmarsh@cod.nosc.mil             SGI Iris 4D35
  74. Peter Mauzey            ptm@mtdcc.att.com               AT&T 6300
  75. Rafal Z. Maszkowski     rzm@mat.torun.edu.pl            Convex
  76. Robert McBroom (?)      rm3@ornl.gov                    DECsystem 5810
  77. Tom McConnell           tmcconne@sedona.intel.com       NCR SVR4
  78. Frank P. McIngvale      frankm@eng.auburn.edu           Bug report
  79. Michael                 kuch@mailserv.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de SGI
  80. Dan Mick                dmick@pongo.west.sun.com        Solaris
  81. Thomas S. Opheys        opheys@kirk.fmi.uni-passau.de   OS/2
  82. Humberto Ortiz-Zuazaga  zuazaga@ucunix.san.uc.edu       Linux
  83. James E. O'Dell         jim@fpr.com                     MacOS
  84. William O'Shaughnessy   williamo@hpcupt1.cup.hp.com     HPUX
  85. Enrico Renato Palmerini palmer@vxscaq.cineca.it         UNISYS 7000 Sys 5 r2.3
  86. Keith Petersen          w8sdz@simtel20.army.mil         Maintainer of Info-ZIP
  87.                                                         Pyramid UCB OSx4.4c
  88. Alan Phillips           postmaster@lancaster.ac.uk      Dynix/ptx 1.3
  89. Bruno Pillard           bp@chorus.fr                    SunOS 4.1
  90. Piet W. Plomp           piet@icce.rug.nl                MSC 7.0, SCO 3.2v4.0
  91. Yuval Rakavy            yuval@cs.huji.ac.il             MSDOS
  92. David A Rasmussen       dave@convex.csd.uwm.edu         Convex C220 with 9.0 OS
  93. Michael Regoli          mr@cica.indiana.edu             Ultrix 3.1 VAX 8650
  94.                                                         BSD 4.3 IBM RT/125
  95.                                                         BSD 4.3 MicroVAX 3500
  96.                                                         SunOS 4.0.3 Sun 4/330
  97. Rick Rodgers            rodgers@maxwell.mmwb.ucsf.EDU   Unix man page
  98. Greg Roelofs            roe2@midway.uchicago.edu        SunOS 4.1.1,4.1.2 Sun 4
  99.                                                         Unicos 5.1--6.1.5 Cray
  100.                                                         OS/2 1.3 MS C 6.0
  101.                                                         Ultrix 4.1,4.2 DEC 5810
  102.                                                         VMS 5.2, 5.4 VAX 8600
  103.                                                         Irix 3.3.2, SGI Iris 4D
  104.                                                         UTS 1.2.4 Amdahl 5880
  105. Phil Ritzenthaler       phil@cgrg.ohio-state.edu        SYSV
  106. Kai Uwe Rommel          rommel@informatik.tu-muenchen.de        OS/2
  107. Markus Ruppel           m.ruppel@imperial.ac.uk         OS/2
  108. Jon Saxton              jrs@panix.com                   Microsoft C 6.0
  109. Steve Salisbury         stevesa@microsoft.com           Microsoft C 6.0
  110. Timo Salmi              ts@uwasa.fi                     bug report
  111. NIIMI Satoshi           a01309@cfi.waseda.ac.jp         Human68K
  112. Tom Schmidt             tschmidt@vax.micron.com         SCO 286
  113. Martin Schulz           martin.schulz@isltd.insignia.com Windows NT, Atari
  114. W. T. Sidney            sidney@picard.med.ge.com        bug report
  115. Dave Sisson             daves@vtcosy.cns.vt.edu         AIX 1.1.1 PS/2 & 3090
  116. Fred Smith              fcshome!fredex@uunet.uu.net     Coherent
  117. Ron Srodawa             srodawa@vela.acs.oakland.edu    SCO Xenix/386 2.3.3
  118. Bertil Stenstr|m        stenis@heron.dafa.se            HP-UX 7.0 HP9000/835
  119. Carl Streeter           streeter@oshkoshw.bitnet        OS/2
  120. Paul Telles             paul@pubnet.com                 SCO Xenix
  121. Christopher C. Tjon     tjon@plains.nodak.edu           bug report
  122. Robert F Tobler         rft@cs.stanford.edu             bug report
  123. Antoine Verheijen       antoine@sysmail.ucs.ualberta.ca envargs fix
  124. Arjan de Vet            devet@info.win.tue.nl           SunOS 4.1, MSC 5.1
  125. Johan Vromans           jv@mh.nl                        bug report
  126. Rich Wales              wales@cs.ucla.edu               SunOS 4.0.3 Sun-3/50
  127. Frank J. Wancho         wancho@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil   TOPS-20
  128.                         oyvind@stavanger.sgp.slb.com    Bug report.